Long ago on Christmas Eve, a baby was abandoned in the snow. Today, Ruby Sunday meets the Doctor, stolen babies, goblins and perhaps the secret […]
Review: Godzilla Minus One (Gojira 1.0)
Thanks to a Cineworld Unlimited Screening I had the chance to preview Godzilla Minus One a movie that I have been so excited about since I […]
STARRING: PATRICIA LAFFAN, HUGH McDERMOTT, HAZEL COURT, PETER REYNOLDS DIRECTED BY DAVID MacDONALD A new restoration of the 1954 British black-and-white science fiction film DEVIL […]
Review: Doctor Who: Wild Blue Yonder (Take Two!)
Reviewed by Chlo Hickson What do the Doctor Who episodes ‘World Enough And Time’ and ‘Wild Blue Yonder’ have in common? They are both peak […]
Review: Doctor Who: Wild Blue Yonder
Reviewed by Cliff Homewood Russell T Davies (RTD) likes to provoke a controversy per episode it seems, thinking it’s dragging our minds into the 21st […]
Godzilla Minus One
London, UK, 8 December 2023 – The verdict is in – GODZILLA MINUS ONE is a global sensation that you won’t want to miss! Bringing one […]
Review: Doctor Who: The Star Beast (Take Two!)
Another view on the Doctor Who adventure ‘The Star Beast’ from Chlo Hickman ‘The Star Beast’ was everything I needed for the return of Doctor […]
Book Review: Rose: Illustrated hardback
Review by David J Howe Following on from 2022’s acclaimed illustrated novelisation of the first Dalek story, Doctor Who in an Exciting Adventure With the Daleks, […]
Review: Doctor Who: The Star Beast
Reviewed by Cliff Homewood I own a Tom Baker scarf. Am old enough to have read The Star Beast on it’s first release. Although good […]
Thanksgiving Review
I’d been looking forward to Eli Roth’s new movie, Thanksgiving, for a while now since being teased by the trailer at Cineworld, so I recently popped […]