Following the event wasteland of 2020, we have not one, but TWO SFW spectacular events planned … you hopefully already know about SFW-XI which is now combined with SFW-XII in MARCH 2021 (and sorry, but this event is already FULLY BOOKED!) … but in NOVEMBER 2021 we’re back again, gracing the lawns and pavements of Vauxhall Camp in Great Yarmouth, for SFW-XIII: another bite of the sheer awesomeness and partying which is and can only be SciFiWeekender!

And even though it may seem a long way away, planning has already started, and the great and good are starting to assemble.

So hold onto your hats and ears for the return of the one and only BRIAN BLESSED for SFW-XIII! Yes, the incredible Mr Blessed will be back to assail us with tales of travel and derring-do, to speak his mind about all things, and to simply take the roof off Main Void!

To balance the sheer force of nature that is Blessed, we need an actress, one of indomitable spirit and incredible resolve … so it’s our very great pleasure to welcome the incredible CHASE MASTERSON back to SFW … Over the last few years Chase has been liaising with the United Nations and travelling the world spreading news of the great work that her charity, the POP CULTURE HERO COALITION, has been doing for bullied and abused children wherever they may be … she has even been in Vienna giving a TED talk to hugely appreciative crowds! We’re delighted that she has agreed to visit us again.

But wait … there’s more … How about the amazing CORIN NEMEC! Corin is a familiar face from film and TV with roles in The Stand, Beverley Hills 90210, Smallville, Stargate SG-1, Ghost Whisperer, House of Bones, Supernatural, Jurassic Attack, Robocroc, Lake Placid vs Anaconda and Extinction: Patient Zero among others. He’ll be joining us to discuss his work across all the genres.

The popular ANDREW LEE POTTS will be with us again. You may remember him from Primeval and Primeval: New World, from Doc Martin or By Any Means, or even from The Mill or Stan Lee’s Lucky Man … He’s starring in TOM PATON’s new film 400 Bullets, and as is now traditional we’ll hopefully be hosting a special screening of 400 Bullets over the Weekender!

Everyone was so full of praise for the awesome DACRE STOKER when he was with us last year, that we’ve invited our favourite Dracula scribe and historian back to once again bring us tales of vampires and demons and research and writing.

If it’s incredible artwork you’re into, then we have the talented GRAHAM HUMPHREYS joining us!  Graham painted the original UK cinema posters for The Evil Dead and A Nightmare on Elm Street and has never looked back! His talents are now highly sought after, and his art has graced many film and book releases, as well as many horror Blu-Ray releases from Arrow Video. Graham will be selling prints of his work, and chatting to us about his deep appreciation of horror and horror art.

You love books and writing and authors too, so as usual we are building a cracking selection of the best authors to be with us:

From crime writing we welcome NOELLE HOLTEN, PR & Social Media Manager for Bookouture, a leading digital publisher in the UK, by day and crime writer by night! Noelle worked as a Senior Probation Officer for eighteen years, covering a variety of serious cases including those involving high risk domestic abuse. Dead Inside – her debut novel with One More Chapter/Harper Collins UK is an international kindle bestseller and the start of a new series featuring DC Maggie Jamieson.

We also welcome back the incredible PAUL FINCH. Paul is an ex-policeman, and now author of the bestselling and critically acclaimed ‘DS Heckenburg’ series of novels. His latest novel is called One Eye Open.

UNA McCORMACK, author of the new Picard tie-in novels will be with us again. Una has worked on everything from Doctor Who to Star Trek, via Star Cops and Blake’s 7 … she’s looking forward to seeing everyone again to chat geek!









We have also confirmed the dual horror talent that is JOHN LLEWELLYN PROBERT and THANA NIVEAU … John and Thana write independently, with John having a particular penchant for cosmic horror and tales of a Lovecraftian nature: he has also probably seen every horror film ever made! While Thana chills the bones with stories of body horror and terrors from the mind. Both will be with us again to discuss the genre, films, writing and anything else which takes their fancy!

For the evenings we’re planning the usual mix of music and madness, and at this time we can confirm that we have booked DEATH INGLORIA to perform. Death Ingloria explores Humanity’s depths, its heights, and its inevitable conclusions through rock music, comic art and animation.​ Their debut album The Wolf Onboard is a complete Science Fiction story told across seven songs, a seven-page comic book and seven animated videos which play out during Death Ingloria’s performances. The comic is the narration of the story, the songs the voices of the characters.

We also have high expectations that the legend that is JOHN ROBERTSON will be back to torment us all with THE DARK ROOM, the cult phenomenon which has taken the world by storm!  Can you escape? Will you win the £1000? Only The Dark Room knows …

As usual these are early days, and of course guests might need to drop out for work or personal reasons, but at the time of writing, all the above have confirmed and said that they’d love to be with us in November 2021!

We are working on more guests, more artists, more authors, MORE EVERYTHING for the event … and as we get into next year and closer, we’ll be able to bring you news of acts and music for the evenings, as well as details of other events and activities which will be taking place at the event. If you’ve been before, you’ll know that we leave no corner of the schedule unoccupied, and there is always much to do, see, listen to and enjoy at Europe’s BIGGEST SciFi, Fantasy and Horror Festival … the one and only Geek Camp!

Tickets to SFW-XIII are available now … please visit the website at or phone 0207 193 1865 to book. If you have any questions or concerns about SFW-XI+XII or SFW-XIII then please phone Charlotte on: 0207 193 1865.