I recently launched a Kickstarter for an anthology called Dead Detectives Society, which includes several award winning writers and a host of supernatural investigators, both old and new … like Kevin J. Anderson (Dan Shamble), Jonathan Maberry (Monk Addison), Steve Niles (Cal McDonald), Nancy Collins (Sonja Blue), Tim Waggoner (Matt Richter), Nancy Holder and Alan Philipson (Johnny Fade), and David Avallone (Nick Carter).

Throughout history and infinite dimensions, there exists a secret group of supernatural investigators operating on the fringes of society, lurking in the shadows, working the strangest cases with little reward. They are hardboiled zombies and ghosts, mythological creatures,  ass-kicking vampires and even tortured humans. Uncanny sleuths whose normal is the bizarre and weird. Now, for the first time, their adventures are together in this one-of-a-kind anthology.

In the tradition of the great pulps of yesteryear, Kevin J. Anderson, Steve Niles, Nancy A. Collins, Joe R. Lansdale & Kasey Lansdale, David Avallone, Jonathan Maberry, Lisa Morton, Nancy Holder & Alan Philipson, John Jennings, Tim Waggoner, Jeff Strand, Rena Mason, and James Aquilone have joined forces for Dead Detectives Society.

They bring their creations Dan Shamble, Cal McDonald, Sonja Blue, Matt Richter, Dead Jack, Johnny Fade, and Saul When: Halloween Detective, among others.

Dead Detectives Society boasts 13 short stories, each accompanied by a full-page illustration by such artists as Zac Atkinson and J.K. Woodward.

Cover art by Hugo Award-winner John Jennings.

And because I’m extra, as the kids say, I’m also launching a print magazine called Monstrous, which will include comics, prose stories and articles. The first issue will reprint Michael Avallone’s first published short story.

Please, support the campaign and help us continue with both projects. Dead Detectives Society will be an annual anthology and Monstrous I’m hoping to put out at least twice a year.

Visit bit.ly/DeadDetectives