Bluetrix Books’ ( authors had a busy Spring and are thrilled to announced three new releases coming in July in conjunction with the Shore Leave ( convention in Hunt Valley, Maryland July 7-9, 2023.

Azure Avians and co-writer Laura Ware present Tempest, book five of the Sorcery & Steel series. Magic and mayhem explode over the land when the climate goes absolutely berserk.  Twin sisters Hana, a powerful wizard, and Kele, Paladin of Rosenev, battle the weather itself when cataclysmic storms erupt. Even worse, they must fight prejudice and fear of the people they are striving to save who refuse to accept assistance that has anything to do with magic. Tsunami, tornadoes, earthquakes, hurricanes, and volcanic eruptions don’t simply abate because people stand in their path.  The worst enemy, however, may prove to be people’s stubbornness—and a murderous traitor in their midst.

“We really enjoy this world,” Avians says.  “It’s exotic yet recognizable and lets us present themes that are very immediate to today:  What does it mean to belong?  When should a person stick to their convictions, and when do they realize it is time to learn and grow?”  Don’t miss out.  This series is well worth starting with book one.  All five books in the series are available at Amazon ( and Barnes & Noble (, in print and eBook editions.

Rigel Ailur’s “Class Project” appears in the International Associations of Media Tie-In Writers’ ( Double Trouble: An Anthology of Two-Fisted Team-Ups. “This tale was an absolute blast to write,” Ailur says.  “I had so much fun.  My greatest difficulty, after picking two favorite characters of mine, was, ‘How the heck am I going to get them together?’”  Her story pairs world-famous sharp-shooter Annie Oakley with legendary archer Marian of Locksley going nearly thirteen thousand years into the future. This fantastic anthology includes stories by New York Times bestselling authors Nancy Holder, Scott Sigler, Delilah Dawson, Dayton Ward, Greg Cox, Kevin J. Anderson, and David Mack—and twelve more top-flight writers! They bring us diverse globe-spanning team-ups of the likes of Bastet, Don Quixote, Athena, Dracula, Jane Trent, John Henry, Sacajawea, Emperor Taizong, and Egungun-oya.  The tone ranges from camp to action-adventure to horror.  This huge volume (nearly five hundred pages) expands the limits of media tie-in work.  Edited by the prodigiously prolific Keith R A DeCandido and the amazing, and New York Times bestselling, Jonathan Maberry.  Join us for the fantastical read!  Available in print (with eBook coming soon) at Amazon ( and Barnes & Noble (

Kris Katzen revisits her Jovian series for the fifth time with “Jupiter Joyride”, her fourth appearance in the Brave New Girls ( anthology series edited by the inestimable Paige Daniels and Mary Fan.  This awesome series is associated with the Society of Women Engineers ( and donates the proceeds to their scholarship fund promoting girls in STEM fields.  In Katzen’s latest installment, computer engineering prodigy Kasey Trung just wants to make it from Jupiter to Earth’s Moon. She accepted the invitation to give the keynote speech and also can’t wait to catch up with friends whom she rarely—if ever—gets to see in person. Then a meteor smashes into their transport, knocking out navigation and communications. Kasey and her brother Konner need to make repairs before they go even more wildly off course—and before the nearby warships discover their presence.

“Representation matters.  Girls of all walks of life—all backgrounds, all ethnicities, etc.—need to see themselves as heroes,” Kris Katzen says.  “Just as important—ironically, perhaps even more important, in an odd way—little boys also need to see little girls as heroes.  That’s the only way we’re going to change the cultural landscape.”  These books give readers an amazing variety of characters and adventures with the one unifying thread being girls using science to solve problems.  Don’t miss any of the seven volumes of this most wonderful series.  The latest release Tales of Girls who Engineer and Explore is available in print ( and as an eBook ( courtesy of Amazon.

Enjoy the amazing diversity of all three titles with stories from time periods and locations all over the globe and beyond.