Malcolm Galloway writes:

Our new Hats Off Gentlemen It’s Adequate album The Light Of Ancient Mistakes is now be available to pre-order on Bandcamp. The album will be released in September. The music is a mix of prog/alt-rock and electronic/experimental. It is roughly half instrumental, half with vocals.
If you pre-order, it helps us to fund the pressing of the CDs, and you get 2 tracks straight away to stream and/or download –
‘The Light Of Ancient Mistakes’ – inspired by the Iain M Banks novel Look To Windward
‘Avrana Kern Is Made Of Ants’ – inspired by Adrian Tchaikovsky’s scientist who eventually becomes an emergent property of a colony of ants in his wonderful Children Of Time series.
The first 40 to pre-order in June will get a credit in the CD booklet if they fancy.
Any support as always is greatly appreciated.
Best wishes
Malcolm and Mark from HOGIA