The Independent Thriller produced by Buffalo Dragon, directed by Giles Alderson and written by Samantha Lee Howe from her own novel, THE STRANGER IN OUR BED has been nominated in the BEST THRILLER category at the 2023 National Film Awards.

‘I am absolutely over the moon,’ said writer Samantha Lee Howe. ‘I never imagined that the film would go so far!  It’s a testament to all the incredible passion and talent that went into making it!’

‘Wow! We are absolutely thrilled to be nominated,’ said Terri Dwyer, executive producer for Buffalo Dragon.

Public voting is now open for the Awards.

To vote, head to

There, you need to Register first, so fill in your details, password etc. Then choose the FREE option …

This takes you to a Facebook-like page where the VOTE NOW option is at the top left of the screen.

You can vote in as many or as few categories as you wish, but remember to click the VOTE button at the bottom each time you place a vote …

… and we don’t need to tell you what to vote as BEST THRILLER … 🙂